Who sees the answers to the mental health registration questions?

Article is all about mental health registration questions

Sheila Lactao
Written by Sheila LactaoLast update 1 year ago

The mental health questions are meant as support. No one reviews them other than Rev. angel. She uses them to know who, in a "room" of hundreds may need an eye to make sure they are (appearing) stable as in not trauma-triggered. We support many people with mental health challenges and in Liberated Life Network's SITs, even endeavor to direct people to a volunteer Mental Wellness Task Force should they wish. All sensitive data is currently protected by limited password access. 


No one has ever been denied access. If people expressed an impulse to cause harm to themselves or others, this would be cause to check-in and possibly redirect them. That is at Rev. angel's consideration. There are several people in our regular SIT that have acknowledged and expressed mental health challenges. They are and remain welcome and supported in the best way possible given the realities of virtual space. Given the trauma people are experiencing, it would be negligent to not check and advise them to be in support with someone.

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